Katia PryceEveryone begins their dance cardio journey somewhere. Even our DanceBody team learns new dances every quarter, one step at a time. Whether you’re a beginner or have been dancing for years, there are certain tips that can help you get the most out of a dance cardio class.
Here are 6 ways to optimize your dance workouts.
1. Just Keep Moving
When you start a new dance cardio routine it might feel hard to keep up at first. But our philosophy at DanceBody is to just #KeepMoving, no matter what. Stand close to the instructor to feed off of their energy, catch the feet first and the arms second, watch DanceBody LIVE on repeat, and practice, practice, practice those moves. It’s okay if you miss a step or two in the beginning (it’s expected!). Focus on one section at a time. Eventually, your body will develop muscle memory from the repetition and start to naturally pick up the choreography. Until then, whatever you do, just don’t stop. You don’t want to have to rebuild your learnings from the beginning again!
“The more you see the same steps paired to the same part of the song, the more your body remembers where to go.”-- Emily Sindoni, Programming and Training Coordinator and Trainer
2. Listen to Learn
Our choreography is designed to flow in a way that’s predictable to the songs we are dancing to. Each quarter, new dance moves are paired to a certain part of its corresponding song. For example you’ll notice the chorus always showcases the same movements every time. To get the most out of your dance workout, listen for when the song shifts between one part and another, that will be your cue that the moves will be changing there as well. When you recognize a song (the beat and the lyrics) your body will go into an endorphin blasted autopilot. You’ll realize that all of that muscle repetition will synchronize with your thoughts to form a mind-body connection. Find our Current Dances playlist on the DanceBody Spotify. Learn our newest dances in our Breakdown videos on DanceBody LIVE, free for subscribers
3. Follow the bouncing #DBTrainer
Dance cardio isn’t a trick, but at times it can feel tricky. DanceBody trainers are here to help you navigate the movements. As professional dancers turned instructors, they’re carefully trained to nail the choreography, but they also understand how to break down the steps, beat-by-beat for you to learn (most of our instructors are ex-dance teachers!). Pay close attention to what your trainer is doing and it will optimize your dance cardio. The closer you watch them, the better you move! To push your dance workout to the next level, book a Private Session in person or virtually. Or, learn our current dances step-by-step for FREE as a DanceBody LIVE member
4. Confidence is Key
Leave your ego at the door. Confidence goes a long way in dance cardio. To get the most from a workout, you need to feel good. Because the better you feel the better you’ll look, on the outside and on the inside. Then, before you know it, you’ll be dancing without a second thought. Rather than focus on the mistakes you might make along the way (which we all do) focus on the fact that you are learning a new skill and how good it will feel to achieve something new. “Confidence is driven by empowerment. So turn off your camera, get out of the mirror, and really tune in with yourself. Are you having fun? Do you feel good? Then hell ya, you should feel absolutely confident in what you are doing.”-- Courtnay Mariani, Co-Founder and Chief Operations Officer
5. Show Up
Showing up to a class (in studio or through DanceBody LIVE) is half the battle. Consistent practice truly does make perfect, so it’s important when you are learning something new to stick with it. When you are learning, it’s like rolling a boulder uphill, if you stop you lose your progress! Sometimes the best way to optimize your dance workout is to simply show up on the days you’d rather skip. But the beauty of dance cardio, or really any workout, is the instant boost from endorphins. That accomplished feeling that accompanies a completed sweat sesh. You never regret working out. The rewards are always worth it.
Studies show that feeling accountable to a community will encourage you to keep your commitments. So don’t be afraid to chat with the person next to you in class, or message a fellow dancer in a group live session. They could be the accountability partner you need to optimize your next workout! Community is a great motivator when it comes to dance cardio. Energy runs high, you’re more likely to socialize, and you have something to look forward to in addition to your dance workout. Quick fix of mood-boosting oxytocin, anyone?
“Let’s face it, everyone is in the same boat and at the end of the day, like attracts like. The person next to you is your biggest supporter as well as your trainer so lean into them for a little encouragement throughout class.”-- Courtnay Mariani, Co-Founder and Chief Operations Officer
Before any dance workout, warm up your muscles with a dynamic stretch. This will prepare your body for the high energy dance cardio hour that awaits. Then, at the conclusion of class, sink into a slow movement stretch as a way to increase your flexibility.
Our new dances launch every quarter throughout the year. Our newest routines just started in our Signature and Full Out classes this April 1st, both in studio and online. You’ll see those same dances now until July 1st, plenty of time to practice, perfect, and perform the movement.
#KeepMoving, keep that confidence high, watch your trainer, listen to your body, and create a community that inspires you to show up.
Now ready. Set. Sweat.