Are you ready to take your DanceBody dance fitness routine to the next level with a fun exercise class that’s both challenging and invigorating? Then the DanceBody Full Out class has your name on it. Through a powerful playlist and deep understanding of how the body moves, our team of trainers come together every quarter to create dances that make fitness fun— the DanceBody way.
What is Full Out?
Full Out is a step up in your DanceBody journey. It follows the same class structure as our Signature class — 45 minutes of choreographed dance cardio followed by 15 minutes of full body sculpting on our HexMat®️— only with fancier footwork.
How Does Full Out Differ From Signature?
Our Full Out class offers less repetition and more stylistic choreography, meaning quicker transitions that really tap into your inner dancer. Imagine pirouettes, leaps, and tricker rhythms.
- Signature breakdown: Equally balanced moves on the right and left sides, with repetition on even counts of four and eight.
- Full Out breakdown: Single side movements (meaning you might not see the same move on both sides) and uneven counts to follow.
Trainer Emily says, “Full Out choreography is as close as you can get to feeling like you're performing on stage!”
What Can I Expect From my First Full Out Class?
It’s going to be a dance challenge.If your feet move faster than your brain is able to process the steps that's okay. Some dances will be easier to pick up than others. What matters is that you tackle it with confidence! As with all classes, consistent repetition of the moves will make each dance easier as you #KeepMoving (typically felt around the fifth class).
Director of Training Natalie reassures: “After a few weeks of learning Full Out dances you will experience the "a-ha" moment, when everything clicks! The hardest part can be overcoming the "I've gotta get it" mentality.”
How Will I Know When to Take That Next Step?
If you’re able to anticipate the next moves in Signature Classes, You’re Ready. Since Full Out carries over some of the same choreography, you can tackle it with confidence. Jump in even at the beginning of the quarter (January, April, July and October) or try something new.
As our trainer Marisa says, “You'll never know unless you try! Be like Nike, and JUST DO IT.”
What Should I Wear to a Full Out Class?
As always, wear supportive sneakers. Being in front of a mirror, and watching yourself, impacts your performance. The better you feel in your outfit the more confidence you’ll have tackling new dances.
Marisa’s Trainer Tip: "Asics + Hokas for shoes and Sweaty Betty and Alo for the best workout sets!"
Full Out is a Community:

It’s the perfect time of year to switch up your DanceBody routine with Full Out’s combination of cardio endurance and micro movements for muscle toning. End your year with a fun exercise class you’ve never tried before or start your new year on the right foot.
Now— Ready. Set. Sweat!